2022 «Get Going!»Portrait Series

Singer-songwriter, Louis Jucker, from La Chaux-de-Fonds has created a completely independent world in recent years. With his sparingly intoned, experimental songs, he creates a soothing anachronism in the midst of a hectic everyday life. The «Get Going!» grant is now supporting him in a multi-year project that will culminate in the construction of a recording machine that is supposed to work without the use of electricity. The aim is to respond to the state of the world by creating local and simple ways of producing music.
«Get Going!» has existed as a FONDATION SUISA funding offer since 2018. With this new form of a grant, creative and artistic processes that do not fall within established categories are given a financial jump-start. At monthly intervals, we present the eight recipients of the 2022 «Get Going!» grant individually.