Switzerland’s music scene is changing – as is the sector’s foundation culture: following a reworking of its funding regulations and the launch of a new online application tool, FONDATION SUISA has now also reconstituted its Foundation Board. The changes are designed to ensure that FONDATION SUISA continues to keep pace with current music creation and that its mission can be fulfilled effectively.
At its meeting of 22 June 2023, the Executive Board of the SUISA Cooperative, as the competent election body, reconstituted the Foundation Board of FONDATION SUISA. The appointments were preceded by exhaustive research conducted by a selection committee, which held in-depth discussions with numerous potential candidates.
The move to reconstitute the Foundation Board was triggered by a reorganisation of the Foundation Deed and regulations, and the associated decision to reduce the size of the Board from twelve to five members.
This strategic decision was initiated by the current Foundation Board and implemented in collaboration with the management. With the resignation of the entire Board now completed, the way is clear to progress this reorganisation.
In his preamble to the latest activity report, Foundation Board Chair Marc Savary underlines the importance of these structural changes. They are needed to be able to reap the full benefits of both the strategic considerations in the smaller Foundation Board and the artistic decisions in the newly constituted expert committees. Savary concludes with these words: «At the end of my last year as chair, I will be able to hand over to my successor a Foundation that is capable of meeting the challenges of an evolving world and at the same time remain true to the mission entrusted to it by the beneficiaries united in the SUISA Cooperative».
The newly constituted Foundation Board will assume its duties on 1 January 2024, until which time the current members will continue in post.
The Board, as the supreme body, is responsible for the strategic orientation of the Foundation pursuant to the purpose of the Foundation.