The history of Swiss film music for the first time in one collection: the «Swiss Film Music Anthology 1923–2012» by FONDATION SUISA is available in stores and on music streaming platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, etc).
The carefully curated anthology «Swiss Film Music» offers for the first time a historical overview on the development of Swiss film music from 1923 to 2012. It comes in a box with three Audio-CDs, one DVD with short films and a book with texts treating the music and images from a historical point of view. The music recordings are also available online as stream or for download.
FONDATION SUISA is the anthology’s editor. The artistic director is musicologist and media scientist Mathias Spohr.
The box “Swiss Film Music» is available in book and CD stores or on the relevant online platforms:
Chronos Verlag
Claves Records
The new online encyclopedia on Swiss film music is based on the lexical part of the Anthology Swiss Film Music and is continously broadened and extended.
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